Kapli:  A standard form used by the broker to inform the Stock Exchange of his transactions for the purpose of matching a settlement.

Keynesian Economics: School of economic thought (named after John Maynard Keynes) which advocates government intervention and spending to manage the economy, promote growth, and control prices.

Key Indicators:  Economic data which point to the direction in which the economy of the country is moving. These comprise Gross National Product, Gross Domestic Product, Agricultural, Food grains, and Industrial Production, Electricity Generated, Wholesale Price Index, Consumer Price Index, Money Supply, Imports, Exports, Foreign currency reserves, etc.

Killer Bees (U.S.):  Law firms, proxy solicitors, and public relations firms are employed to help a company management fight off an unfriendly takeover.

Key Industry: Industry that plays important role in the nation’s economy, e.g. Steel, Cement, Fertilizers, Automobiles, I.T., etc

Kiting:  The act of misrepresenting the value of a financial instrument for the purpose of extending credit obligations or increasing financial leverage. Kiting generally occurs when securities firms fail to deliver securities involved in buy and sell transactions in a timely manner (before the three-day settlement period). When this occurs, the firm failing to receive the securities is required to purchase the shortage on the open market and charge the delinquent firm any associated fees. The fraudulent act of kiting occurs when the firm fails to purchase the securities on the open market and maintains a short position, delays delivery, or takes part in transactions contrary to SEC regulations regarding the proper settlement of trades.

Kurtosis:  Measure of the relative peakedness or flatness of a statistical distribution compared to the normal distribution (a statistical distribution often used as a fairly good approximation of reality because it is mathematically easy to manipulate). A normal distribution has a kurtosis of 3. Higher kurtosis indicates a relatively peaked distribution and a higher frequency of observations in the tails of the distribution. Lower kurtosis indicates a relatively flat distribution. Equity market returns generally have a higher kurtosis than the normal distribution — in other words, they are “fat-tailed”.

Stock Market Reference (A-Z)


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